Dr. Ahmet Yasin ERDOĞAN

Dr. Ahmet Yasin ERDOĞAN

Founding Partner
  • yasin.erdogan@navsis.com.tr
  • +90 505 111 22 33
  • Cevizli Mah. Zuhal Cad. Ritim İstanbul Sitesi A5 Blk. No:46E D:141 Maltepe /İstanbul

He entered the Naval High School in 1990 and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1998 as an Electronic Control Systems Engineer. Between 1998-2002, he served as an Air Defence Warfare officer onboard frigates. After completing his master’s degree in Electronic Communication Systems at the Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, CA.) between 2002-2004, he took part in many projects at the Naval Research Center Command (ARMERKOM) between 2004 and 2019. He completed his master’s degree in the field of Management and Organization in 2006 and completed his doctoral education in the Department of Electronic Communications at Yıldız Technical University between 2010-2015. He worked on Electronic Warfare and Radar Signal Processing in his doctoral thesis. He proudly represented Turkish Navy in various NATO working groups and Steering Committees. Most recently, he served as the Head of Electronics and Weapons Systems Department (Act.) at the Naval Forces Headquarters and as the Branch Manager of Electronic Sensors and Navigation Support Systems, and retired from the Navy in 2020 at his own request, in the rank of Captain. After his retirement, he worked at MilSOFT as a C4ISR field expert. By establishing NAVSIS Defense Technologies Inc. in 2021, he decided to serve the Defence and Maritime Industry with his own company.

He took part in most of the recent projects of the Navy related to weapon systems, command and control systems, tactical data link systems, reconnaissance surveillance systems, electronic sensors and navigational support systems. Some of the projects in which he took an active role as an engineer or project manager are:

Multi-Purpose Phased Array Radar Project (ÇAFRAD)

Three-Dimensional Search Radar Integration Project (SMART-S)

GENESIS Combat Management System Modernization

Automatic Target Detection and Tracking System (OTOHETTS)

Integrated Maritime Surveillance System

Radar Video Plot Extraction System Project

Software Defined Noise Radar Prototype Development Project

Surface Wave HF Radar Development

BARBAROS-Half-Life Modernization


Burak Class Corvette Modernization

ESSM Modernization

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)