Test-Trial-Acceptance Support

We provide documentation and field applications services with our expert team in Test / Trial / Acceptance Processes of Defense Industry Projects.

Preparation of Test/Trial Procedures (FAT/HAT/SAT)

Coordination and Execution of Test/Experience Activities

Transaction Item (Remark) Management

Attending Customer Meetings

Warranty Management

Test/Trial activities are processes that need to be very well coordinated with both the customer and certification bodies. These activities shall be managed very well in terms of technical, administrative and psychological aspects.

Issues such as rejection of tests and acceptance as open items for later acceptance create significant cost and calendar effects for projects.

We provide technical support and active field application support to your Test/Trial/Acceptance activities with our experienced team, who have successfully completed all processes and delivered many platforms and systems/devices to the Navy in the past.

Coordinating Tests with Stakeholders
Checking Pre-Test Preparations
Coordinating Test Aids
Actively Participating in Tests
Participation in Test Acceptance Meetings
Providing Technical Support for Closing Action Items

We provide user personnel support for Harbor Acceptance Tests (HAT) and Sea Acceptance Tests (SAT). We provide the necessary organization for the use of all systems of the ship, the safe navigation and the fulfillment of all the operations required by the test procedures, with the personnel who have performed similar duties in the Navy, especially for the type of ship and its operations.

HAT/SAT Personnel Organization
Test Operations Coordination
Coordination with Local Authorities and Port Authority for Testing
Preparation and Use of Ship Systems for Tests
Sailing Preparations
Navigational Operations
Ship Safety Team Organization
Reporting of Consumables Required for Tests
Post-Test Maintenance/Cleaning Activities
Watch/Duty Officer Activities

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)